Biszon Flexipack




With a decade left to meet the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), we believe it’s high time we pave waves for sustainability to be the new norm. At this stage, people and commodities globally are developing initiatives to produce positive impacts results. We strongly believe any scale of effort businesses is able to contribute to produce long lasting impacts could help manifest the UNSDGs by 2030.

Amongst the goals in the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), we strongly resonate with SDGs 12 & 14 as we concede to tackle climate change and work to preserve our ocean and forests. It is important for us to practice and educate consumers to approach sustainability choices in their standard of living for a prosperous circular economy. By reducing substantial waste with proper practices and increase safe reuse, this may possibly reduce marine nutrient pollution and restore the harmony with nature.

We strongly believe it is our responsibility to educate our partners to ensure they are well-versed with the packaging and how their conscious choices could impact the globe. We are committed in educating our partners & to extend a bond with them in the process of sustainability innovations. By having a reliable sustainable management, we are determined to increase sustainable consumptions in our productions to minimize adverse impacts on human health and environment thus subsequently reduce waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse by 2030.

Redefining the term ‘plastic’ with our latest innovation enabling to produce more with less plastic material therefore reducing plastic waste. With PaperLite, FlexlitePP & FlexlitePE, designed exclusively to simplify recycling and reduce carbon footprint.



Cost of manufacturing and transporting flexible packaging is lower than more traditional packaging, partly because it requires less material, water & energy.


Maintains the freshness of perishable products with multilayer films including distinct barrier properties for better protection.


The key solution in packaging is to produce wide variety of colour, shapes and size to choose from. This way, the packaging works around the product & you can customize accordingly.


We have stringent steps in our applications to reduce our environment footprint.

Being an experienced flexible packaging manufacturer, we are aware about our obligation towards the environment, consequently we do provide green alternatives that ensure sure goods can be recycled and have a several usages, growing a holistic lifestyles cycle of the packaging.

With the highly efficient AI incorporated into our developments, substantial upgrades in zero human errors and minimization of electricity consumption are performed, decreasing waste produced. We conscientiously practice the 3R: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle to instill duty and self-awareness among the employees at the significance of a sustainable place of work.

Biszon incorporates the practice of water harvesting system that ensures water is utilized accurately and not wasted. Our chemicals compounds are being handled with right approaches, through reliable channels to prevent contamination to our environment.


Through integration of AI automation into our production processes, we achieved efficiency and long term sustainability.

FSSC 22000

Biszon is also certified by a well-known food safety standard, Food Safety System Certification [(FSSC) 22000]. FSSC22000 is an internationally recognized certification that demonstrates a commitment to food safety.

It provides an assurance to comply and guarantee safety of consumer products across the entire value chain, where by Biszon plays a role in guarding packaging development. With FSSC 22000 certification on board, it is certain of us to provide further confidence and assurance to our valued customers in all our future collaboration process.

ISO 9001:2015

We are able to meet the requirements of the ISO 9001:2015, which ensures our customers to continuously receive high-quality products and services.

Biszon is proud to be certified by a reputable audited system that ensures our products are produced and controlled from all stages of production with consistency to quality standards and distinctive procedures.



Our employees take part and donate blood on every 1st of May at the Compassionate Blood Donation Campaign, located at the Guanyin Pavilion. The activity is hosted by Petaling Jaya Pavilion and our management supports this large measure as we align our values of sharing in the spirit of selfless service.

We conduct our monthly visit to Pusat Kawalan Kusta Negara and undertake to help the sick with grooming and self-cleanliness as they are unable. At Biszon, we value humanity and inclusivity among our employees as we employ the underprivileged by providing more work opportunity, and allowing them to be able to live independently.